Monday, February 11, 2008

Another day


I am at home today, because I have an eye infection and look like a monster. Or at least, that I was punched in the eye. The area below the eye is inflamed and a dark pinkish colour.
Yes I've gone to the doctor, and I'm being medicated.

My project is now entering the phase of designing parts or controls for it. Each part will be placeable anywhere on the site and its unique identifier means each page can contain dozens of the same parts and all have their own characteristics. Nice.

At work we keep designing the dreaded SMS message service. Now we have decided to include a basic and a premium service, to circumvent the fact that the premium is too expensive and that the basic doesn't do a very nice job sending messages. Sometimes they arrive, sometimes don't - and always report error, even when delivered. Go figure.

To me, this is bad project design.
I mean my boss cames in Monday and says "We'll do it to immediate send SMS" and we start coding. By Wednesday when he leaves the project has to "Send scheduled SMS and have clients and agents who have clients associated" and we start reformulating all of it. Friday, yes Friday he comes and says "Ok, so we need two pricing schemes, and accept online payments on the double" and we stare at each others in silence.
This. Is. Bad. Project. Design.
I know I shouldn't bash my day job, it's what keeps my food and clothes, but - sincerely! We are a software firm and we have a software we sold once. ONCE!
Another software is sold one in every three months. Other we are happy to sell it once a month. And our flagship, being the flagship, sells once a month too. The flagship is expensive, but the other ones don't! They're in the $100 price-tag.
And we instead of designing new applications, divide the team to develop parallellelly (lol) two softwares, are stuck going round and round with a thing that WILL NOT give much revenue, everybody is doing it, and we're doing it the WRONG WAY.

And then I am sort of joked there because my own software didn't sell much copies too and went bankrupt. That's exactly the point - I got it from experience and would not be happy to see it happen to me again on other place.
And that's the reason to be developing this new software project on my off-hours: to get some more income while I am there employed, and to see if I could lash out some thing to become my next try at independency.


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